Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I have often wondered how to go undetected and fortunately have the ability to melt into the background!  I suppose this will come in handy if, or rather, when I am called on by a prospective client to provide them with surveillance.  The tools today are, well, progressive to say the least.  Even tools that ten years ago would have been considered higher end technology and possibly even too expensive are in some instances today very affordable (micro sized video and digital camera's, bugging devices, tracking devices, to name a few).  I even get a catalogue from a supplier who provides all kinds of interesting tools.  I will have to look for the name of the vendor and will post their URL.  Happy tracking!


  1. Yes, in both my course work and my career in forensics but not to the extent that I would both desire and need for my license. If you have any suggestions or opportunities or both I would be appreciative. Thank you!


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