I don't generally like to get into politics, religion or, well you get what I'm saying. I do have to comment on the latest "big" trial, although I am hard pressed to actually use the word "trial" ... it's more like a three-ring circus. Not mentioning any names, states or other facts because by now, in the few seconds it has taken you to read this far, you already know that of which I speak (unless you have been stranded in a boat, with a Bengel Tiger floating around in the Pacific, oh wait that was Pi). And if you have no idea who Pi is, please note, an excellent movie (The Life of Pi)! Quite an extraordinary tale, quite unbelievable, you become transfixed while watching it ... sorry I'm talking about the movie still ... could have been the trial though.
I take pride in being an American. We have so much to be thankful for, including our system of justice, which most of the time works and works well. Why then are so many of us glued to a case that is really nothing more than a pretty bad orchestration of "justice" not really working? Hmm, maybe we are glued to it because it is justice in a raw, ugly form but still, justice. Justice because in this instance, there is still a trial being held and the accused is still being granted an opportunity to be defended and have her story told. Justice does have a high price, regardless of how we feel about it being misused we are each still fortunate to know that it still exists in this great country of ours.
Presumed innocent until otherwise but remember the individual in question in this particular sensationalized event, has already pled guilty. The defense has argued on behalf of their client, who admitted to the brutal slaying of an ex-boyfriend that she was the victim of "abuse". Nope, don't think so, know too many people who have and her fairytale, oops I mean "confession", just doesn't realistically "fit" into an abuse situation. The thing I am having trouble with, well one thing among many in this particular situation, is why didn't the defense have their client plead insanity? Yes, I'm serious. Anyone else care to chime in? Because the defendant is a seriously ill person.
And now, yet another witness to be called in the rebuttal case, (or is this the surebuttal case -- I forget where we are in this, its been months of trying to sort through so much) a neuropsychologist ... Okay,apparently they couldn't find an neurologist, an MD, or better yet an MD who works in a large city in an emergency department, who routinely deals with victims who have been shot in the head and who would more than likely get on the stand and say "no ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I agree with the ME who was on the stand again last week, there is no way the victim in this case made a deliberate motion after being shot and having a bullet (even a small caliber bullet) pass through his frontal lobe and into his cheek, let alone have the ability to chase someone 15 feet or more."?? Seriously?!! End of story. Hopefully this last witness won't sit on the stand for weeks of agonizing testimony like so many of the others.
This will all be over, very soon and more importantly the victim in this case will receive JUSTICE.
Breaking into the field
15 years ago
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